Home Brew Black Ocean RPG
About 6 months ago I read through all of JS Morin's Black Ocean series. These are short novellas, episodic in nature and feel a lot like the TV show Firefly where a crew of a ship gets up to silly hi-jinx while always looking for the next job, the next score, or the next get rich quick scheme. The whole time I was reading the series, I felt like there was potential for a RPG to be based on this setting. It has all the essentials - an easy to sum up background, potential for fun quirky characters, and a familiar enough feel to get the uninitiated in to it. Keep this last point in mind while I tell this next part... Yep, this gets complicated.... A group of 6 or 7 of us have been playing a D6 Star Wars adventure fairly regularly for the past 4 months or so - typically meeting on Skype twice a month. While not everyone can make it every time, we've managed to keep a fun adventure going with different characters popping in and out as available. to ...