Old Map of Awesome

So yesterday I was digging around my RPG stuff. I don't have a lot of books or anything, I mainly have an extensive collection of things I've created over the years. Most of what I've written looks like the scrawling of a madman and only makes any coherent sense to me, and the vast majority of my maps and dungeons have unfortunately been lost or destroyed. But then I found this...

Click to embiggen
I had thought that this map was lost for sure. I made it when I was around seventeen or so, and It's the first real campaign world I ever created. The names are mainly rip-off's from the Forgotten Realms or pseudo-Tolkien in nature, but it was my first real attempt to create a game world of my own. The map itself is hand drawn in ink and coloured in watercolours.

My friend James and I played off and on in this world for nearly three years and many of the seeds for my later ideas were first planted here. It's always nice to find something that reminds you why you started gaming in the first place and what you love about it.

Now to search through my old notes and see if I can find any more awesome scores. I'll see if I can the original write-ups for the world and post them later.

Have you rediscovered any cool old gaming stuff of yours recently?


  1. My, what a lov.....*stolen*

  2. Looks awesome. Watercolored!

  3. What a gorgeous map. How fortunate that you recovered it!

  4. Awesome! I love it. I wish I could find more of my old gaming stuff. I used to have many Trapper Keepers devoted to characters, maps, and the like.

  5. Terrific! I love going through my old gaming stuff and dream back to the time RPG-ing was a fulltime enterprise (school? What school)

  6. That's a beautiful map.

  7. Thanks everyone, I'm glad you like the map.

  8. Dude! Sweet! I wish the maps I made at 14 looked half as nice as that. Excellent work.

  9. Wow, this is awesome!!!

  10. I love that you watercoloured it! :)

  11. Thanks again everyone.

  12. That's a beautiful map.

  13. Terrific! I love going through my old gaming stuff and dream back to the time RPG-ing was a fulltime enterprise (school? What school)

  14. Awesome! I love it. I wish I could find more of my old gaming stuff. I used to have many Trapper Keepers devoted to characters, maps, and the like.

  15. What a gorgeous map. How fortunate that you recovered it!

  16. Looks awesome. Watercolored!

  17. My, what a lov.....*stolen*


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