
Showing posts from January, 2015

Time Keeps On Slippin' Slippin' Slippin'...

Anyone who is a regular reader of this blog (there are at least 2 or 3 of you, right??) will notice a distinct lack of posts over the last 3 months or so.  If I were getting paid for this, I'm sure I would have been fired by now.  Between the holidays, work, and some other hobbies , I haven't had time to write.  In fact I haven't even had time to play any games.  So this brings up the point of this post: How do you find time to play? A couple of posts ago I talked about my new PBEM game.  It fell apart soon after that post.  I take a huge part of the blame for it, as I  tried to build intrigue and world events before I built any reason for the players to care for their characters.  I also didn't introduce the combat mechanics soon enough, so I think the players weren't sure how to react to events as they didn't know how easily they could die.  Beyond these issues though, was also just a lack of time on everyone's part.  At first everyone posted a respon

Touching Can Also Be Funny.

Hmmm, that title doesn't quite sound right.  Oh well.      Last weekend I had the pleasure of attending the wedding of Alex and Emily, two of the people in my current table top gaming group.  They play with us a lot less often than I'd like, but that's only because they currently live in the UK and can only play when they come back to Canada for a visit. Ironically, the first visit back from England that we played at, they introduced us to Great Fire of London:1666 .  At the wedding, another from our group, the brilliant  Kathryn K  gave one of the most impressive wedding speeches I've ever heard.  Here it is in all of its unabashed glory: Kathryn and the Astronaut "Friends and family,  3 years ago I met Alex and Emily working at St. Michael's College School and it was the greatest things about working there.... that and meeting Chris Hadfield, that was pretty great- Alex and Emily are a very close second to Chris Hadfield.             They've as