Time Keeps On Slippin' Slippin' Slippin'...

Anyone who is a regular reader of this blog (there are at least 2 or 3 of you, right??) will notice a distinct lack of posts over the last 3 months or so.  If I were getting paid for this, I'm sure I would have been fired by now.  Between the holidays, work, and some other hobbies, I haven't had time to write.  In fact I haven't even had time to play any games.  So this brings up the point of this post: How do you find time to play?

A couple of posts ago I talked about my new PBEM game.  It fell apart soon after that post.  I take a
huge part of the blame for it, as I  tried to build intrigue and world events before I built any reason for the players to care for their characters.  I also didn't introduce the combat mechanics soon enough, so I think the players weren't sure how to react to events as they didn't know how easily they could die.  Beyond these issues though, was also just a lack of time on everyone's part.  At first everyone posted a response once a day, or occasionally within 48 hours.  By the time I gave up, I was getting one or two responses a week.  I may try again with a simplified introduction in a little while.
In my board-game group things have fallen apart as well.  Other than the wedding I posted about here, there has only been 1 or 2 get togethers of that group, and I missed them due to work.  Actually, thinking about it, work has been the reason I've missed a lot of social engagements lately.  I'm at work right now, typing up this post... (don't tell da boss!).

Even my online RPG dates have fallen by the wayside.  To paraphrase quote another of our players / GM's:

How it feels trying to organize
a game night.
"I want to play a game but honestly I don't even have the time to organize it. If someone else can herd people to a time and place, then I will do my best to be there. ... If we don't have a regular schedule, someone needs to be the cheerleader to organize the game. ... I don't know if I have the drive to overcome the inertia to say 'so when are we playing?' every two or three weeks. Please, someone else take over that responsibility."

As much as we all want to play, none of us has stepped up to organize it yet, and I think it's because we're all just as busy. 

So here's the question of the day: How do YOU make time for gaming?  Do you have a regularly scheduled session? Is there a single person who is the driving force?  Do you cut something else out of your life to fit it in?


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